
Film Shots: Justin Furness' Chevrolet Corvair

I first spotted Justin's Corvair a couple of years ago at the gas station down from Mercer, and honestly, just loved it. It exuded style, especially when compared to the transportation appliances that fill modern roads. I didn't have a chance to meet Justin until a few weeks ago when I happened to spot him getting out of the car along Tattnall Park when I was out on a bike ride. I introduced myself, gave him a card, and offered a shoot.

For this shoot with the Corvair, I wanted to keep the aesthetic rough. The car is unrestored, and seeing as Justin was smack dab in finals, he didn't have time for a detail. I decided to use Fuji Superia 400, a grainy, consumer-grade film that would flow with the lo-fi vibes of the car. These rolls were shot with my Nikon F100, and processed by The FIND Lab out of Utah.
